Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good and Bad Times...

The Good...

This weekend was Homecoming at Cornell University. This particular year had some special meaning because there was a big push amongst the Band alumni to have members of the 90's classes come back. Plus the trombone section every three years tries to get all the trombone alums to come back. Being that I'm Class of '99 and a trombone player, it was definitely a good homecoming for me to be at.

So Friday night a bunch of us meet at the Glenwood Pines and have the best burgers on earth. After the Pines, we go to a trombone party with alums and undergrads. I have fun... maybe a little too much fun but it's all good since the party and my hotel are within walking distance. I walk back to my hotel with some friends at about 4am. I wake up early to drop off some tailgating stuff with the Band Alumni Envents Coordinator. I meet up with some college friends I see regularly since we've kept in touch, and some people I haven't seen since sophomore year. So for the actual homecoming game, which CU probably should have lost, is instead won in exciting fashion. We go from there to a scrimmage hockey game which is fun but the day is feeling quite long at this point. Then there's another party for all band folks, which is again quite fun, but this time I keep my fun in check. Then around 4 am we head down to a place called ShortStop for some subs and pizza sandwiches, then we head back to the hotel. I wake up 10am or so and meet up with friends at the Mahogany Grill where we enjoy the most excellent brunch. We all exchange goodbye hugs and I head back home where I enjoy a long nap then prepare myself some lasagna!
And that was my weekend. Tiring but fun. It was great to see old and current friends, and reminisce on the good times.

The Bad...

My sister is down in North Carolina with my dad right now visiting family. Because of the trip, they dropped off the cats, Naila and Fiila, at the kennel. Naila was technically not around when I grew up living at my parent's house but I always felt close to her. No matter how long I'd be away from my dad's she'd always come up to me and want to hop on me or sleep in my bed. Plus she's sweet and the smartest cat I've ever seen. She's able to understand you and if you say not to do something, she understands you better than most dogs. Well, at least she used to. Naila is now quite old in cat years and has grown senile in recent years. Plus she's had some other health issues. Tonight the kennel called and Naila has had a stroke. They don't expect her to make it through the night. It's sad, but at the same time, it's good that she go before her health deteriorates farther and it's fortunate the stroke occured in an environment where those around were aware of what was happening. My sister having to deal with that sight would have been traumatizing, at the very least. So I'm going to miss "my baby" Naila. She's the best cat I've ever been around.

(cat that resembles Naila)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
